Texas Holistic Educators

Freedom-Based Education & Communities of Self-Design

We bring together awakening educators to rejuvenate a sense of self and soul so we can actualize wholeness, deepen relationships, and intuitively educate the whole child. 

We need an entire generation parented and educated with simple, effective tools for true wellness.  Will you join me in bringing forth the seeds of true freedom for this generation and those that will follow?

Children and adults yearn for a true sense of meaning, purpose, and to know deep down in their bones that they are loved.  We long for a sense of true connection to our essential selves and to others.  Our current education system fails to provide healthy environments that promote meaningful engagement and deeply creative learning.

Yet, I meet many educators who believe they are limited by the systems in which they find themselves.  What if this is not true?  What if most of your limitations are merely perceptions informed by internal blocks?  What if you had the tools necessary to dissolve those blocks and see new possibilities?  What if you were surrounded by a supportive community of collaborators who celebrate your freedom, fuel your creativity, and inspire your growth into new ways of being? 


Texas Holistic Educators is a 501(c)3 non-profit.